Phonics is a method for teaching reading and writing of the English language. Phonics involves teaching children to connect sounds with letters or group of letters. Written language is like a code, so knowing the sounds of letters and letter combinations will help children to decode words as they read. Knowing phonics also helps children to know which letters to use as they write words. Therefore, learning phonics helps children to read and spell well. It creates bright children, boosts and helps them acquire logical skills in reading and writing and prevents rote learning. Since the turn of the 20th century, phonics has been widely used in primary education and in teaching English language literacy throughout the world. Most children who are poor in reading tend to rely heavily on one reading strategy, such as the use of context and picture clues, and exclude other strategies that might be more appropriate. To become skilled, fluent readers, children need to have a repertoire of strategies to draw on. One such effective strategy is phonics. Phonics instruction helps students to comprehend text. It helps the student to decode words. Decoding words aids in the development of word recognition, which in turn increases reading fluency. Reading fluency improves reading comprehension because as children are no longer struggling with decoding words, they can concentrate on making meaning from the text. In addition, phonics instruction improves spelling ability because it emphasizes the spelling patterns that become familiar from reading. Studies show that half of all English words can be spelled with phonics rules that relate one letter to one sound.  GURU EDUCATION INDIA PVT LTD – A TRAINING COMPANY THAT SPELLS CONFIDENCE! GURU EDUCATION INDIA PVT LTD  is a name that spells quality, conviction and deliverance. We have already established a name for ourselves in the field of pre-primary teachers’ training and abacus , Vedic maths  .



Modern pre-school settings have the onus to promote social and intellectual development of children. These goals are closely related to language development. Teachers are, therefore, responsible to bring about development in all these areas. This puts early years practitioners under an obligation to train in effective methods which will ultimately help them bring about development in children. People who are trained and experienced in early years education and care should ensure that children’s development should occur with fun and enjoyment. Phonics, as a language learning methodology, eases language learning with fun and enjoyment. Phonics is essential for developing reading and writing skills among children, therefore, having a sound knowledge of phonics becomes a must for every pre-primary and primary teacher. Many reputed schools and pre-schools affiliated to CBSE, ICSE, IGCS, IB and state boards are also using phonics to teach children reading, writing and spelling skills. Hence, Guru Education India Pvt Ltd has taken upon itself to provide professional phonics training through a Certificate Programme. Guru Education India Pvt Ltd  helps pre-primary and primary teachers working with the youngest children to understand, respect and enjoy the power, sophistication and complexity of phonics as a learning methodology. Once trained by us , you will be fully equipped to teach children all abilities in phonics method whether at home or at school.



Do you

  • Aaspire to embark upon a career with a difference?
  • Nurture dreams of setting up an entrepreneurship in the field of education and learning?
  • Desire to be employed and empowered, being a woman and a homemaker?
  • As a proactive parent, want to build your child’s confidence and develop his language skills
  • want to learn how to teach your child to spell and read words in a much easier way?

Even if any one of the above questions haunts your mind, then read on as a career alternative par excellence and different from all kinds of main stream career options is in the waiting. A Phonics teacher, a Phonics trainer or instructor, an entrepreneur running a phonics training centre for kids or a parent well-versed with phonic skills – each idea is as enticing as possible and holds in itself a world of opportunity for you to succeed as an individual, professional or parent. Achieving any one of the above possibilities will require you to gain proficiency in phonics from a good training institute.



We provide phonics professional development to empower teachers to deliver effective phonics teaching. Our comprehensive certificate programme provides you with a structured yet engaging approach to phonics to enable every child to read and write. This programme will help you in the following ways:

  • You will learn how to allow kids to
    • learn independently
    • develop independent reading and writing
    • develop creative mind for story ideas
    • enrich vocabulary
    • pronounce words correctly
    • be more confident, vocal and social
  • Trainees can start their own Phonics Classes for Kids.
  • They can also start other activities related to language and development for kids below 7 years.
  • It is very easy to get jobs in pre-schools or schools with pre-primary and primary grades as the demand for Phonics is very high and comparatively teachers are very few.
  • High paying and satisfying part-time or full-time careers can be taken up.
  • The purpose of this programme is to enable parents to guide their preschool kids in all areas of phonics so that do not need to attend extra academic enrichment classes and even tuition class all the way in pre-primary and primary levels. When kids need not attend extra classes (especially just to learn how to spell, read and write), they have more time at home to play, rest, learn and focus on talent development instead. This also saves a lot of time and money for the parents.

So, wait not. Join Guru Education India Pvt Ltd and change your career graph! Enroll today and bring a world of difference in the way  your child learns the English language!!



You are eligible to enroll for The ‘Certificate Programme in Phonics Teachers’ Training if you have an elementary knowledge of the English language