DMIT means Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test This test is conducted by taking the scanned images of ridges of one finger of hand from three different angles. Thus total 30 finger-images are taken of all 10 fingers and the scanned data is stored in a Laptop / P.C. Then a detailed, exhaustive and Scientific Report is prepared which contains the details about the Strengths and Weaknesses of the concerned person’s Brain, his / her personality traits, learning modes etc. All these data are quite helpful in choosing perfect career through Report’s counseling.


DMIT can be chosen as a career guidelines choice in order to identify the real you or your little ones. You can make your little one’s future more bright and safe by identifying their potential and ability. You just need to take the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test. This test will let you know the ability of your child. There are many DMIT Company in India available to help you in identifying your little ones’ capability.


Basically, This test is a concept of Dermatoglyphics kind of scientific study performed to study the different patterns of fingerprints found on palm, fingers, and thumb . Guru Education India Pvt Ltd helping many people in making the future of the child’s more bright by using fingerprint test for career. It has been scientifically proved that the ridged pattern of skin is basically developed in the 5th month of pragenency of women. As we all know that every kid is having different talent and ability which can be developed by their teachers, parents, and surroundings. For this, we send them to school and colleges but the problem is that we are not having a specific instrument of identifying the talent of kids. So to recognize a unique talent in your little ones you must perform this  test by contacting the best DMIT company in India.


At Guru Education India Pvt Ltd  you will get this test done very perfectly with the help of our expertise. We are here to serve you the accurate result of the test of DMIT and also offer dmit counselling to understand the unique ability of your child


Why We Are Best in DMIT Companies in India?

So the question is that why to choose Guru Education India Pvt Ltd for this test, Here is your answer that we are one of the Best DMIT companies in India and also a well-known educational company in all over the world. We are having many more programs available along with test ,Abacus Photographic Memory Test, Extra Sensory Perception and more which are useful in developing the personality & brain.


Here Are a Few Reasons to Choose Us :-

ISO Certified Company – ISO 9001:2008

Our team is using 100% accurate updated software.

We support 100% company growth, model.

Our policies for customers are long term and transparent.

You will always get the support from our expert team member.

Apart from the above reasons, we are also having more than 100 branches spreadedaccros India.

Test Benefits of DMIT :

This test can be performed for any age group to recognize the best career for growth. It mainly can be done by fingerprint test for a career. This test will help you to decide your little one’s career. This test can be performed in different age groups like;


Age group of 1-12 years children


It will help you in visual and sensory development.

Parent’s can easily identify the learning patterns and also about the strength and weakness so that they can plan their future in a more better way.

Age group of 13-25 years


It allows you to build a career in knowing the interesting subjects and stream.

Parent’s will be able to differentiate child’s interest and ability.

They will also know the dominance of brain that is right and left as far as psychology is concerned.

For Parents


This test will help parents to customize the children’s learning pattern and their nature.

By this test parent’s can develop a healthy relationship with kids.

Last but not the least, this test will also help the students to maximize their concentration level in study.

Adult Professionals


This test will help to lead a better success by identifying the skills.

Adults can also build confidence and will become more self-aware.

Age group of 25+


This test will help in keeping the negative behavior and thoughts away.

It will help you to understand the person’s nature and also eliminate the miscommunication.

This will also make a person more responsible and develop the best relationship in family.